Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of Children Affected by Substance

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Administration for Children and Families (ACF)


    The purpose of the Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of, and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for, Children Affected by Substance Abuse program is to provide competitive grant funds for Regional Partnership Grants (RPGs) to improve the well-being of children affected by substance abuse. These targeted grants will be awarded to Regional Partnerships that provide through interagency collaboration and integration of programs and services, activities and services that are designed to increase the well-being of, improve permanency outcomes for, and enhance the safety of children who are in out-of-home placements or are at risk of entering out-of-home placements as a result of a parent's or caretaker's substance abuse.
    Applicants are expected to have a collaborative structure in place that is capable of building a region's capacity to meet a broad range of needs for families involved with both substance abuse treatment and the child welfare system. Per the legislative requirements, RPGs are required to select and report on performance indicators and evaluation measures to increase the knowledge that can be gained from the program. Partnerships will: Use specific, well-defined, and evidence-based programs that are also trauma-informed and targeted to the identified population; Conduct an evaluation that is sufficiently rigorous to contribute to the evidence base on service delivery, outcomes and costs associated with the project's chosen interventions; and Participate in the national cross-site evaluation, which includes an implementation and partnership study, an outcomes study, and an impact study.

    History of Funding

    In 2011, the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act (Pub. L. 112-34) was passed, reauthorizing PSSF, and the RPG program. The legislation enhanced language around the evaluation requirements by requiring HHS to evaluate and report on the effectiveness of the grants. Following this reauthorization, three more rounds of grants were funded for a period of 5 years:
    • September 2012 (RPG Round 2): 17 grants awarded in 15 states
    • September 2014 (RPG Round 3): 4 grants awarded in 4 states
    • September 2017 (RPG Round 4): 17 grants awarded in 17 states

    Additional Information

    Costs of organized fund raising, including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses incurred to raise capital or obtain contributions are unallowable. Fund raising costs for the purposes of meeting the Federal program objectives are allowable with prior written approval from the Federal awarding agency.
    Applicants should note this program requires a minimum of 20 percent of grant funds be spent on required evaluation elements of this program, including the local evaluation, participation in the national cross-site evaluation, and to satisfactorily collect and evaluate the data necessary for monitoring the proposed performance indicators.



  • Eligibility Details

    The Secretary has the authority to make grants to regional partnerships. A Regional Partnership means a collaborative agreement (which may be established on an interstate or intrastate basis) entered into by at least two of the following parties:
    • The state child welfare agency responsible for the administration of the state plan;
    • The state agency responsible for administering the substance abuse prevention and treatment block grant;
    • An Indian tribe or tribal consortium (federally recognized);
    • Non-profit or for-profit child welfare service providers;
    • Community health service providers;
    • Community mental health providers;
    • Local law enforcement agencies;
    • Judges and court personnel;
    • Juvenile justice officials;
    • School personnel;
    • Tribal child welfare agencies or a consortia of such agencies; or
    • Any other providers, agencies, personnel, officials, or entities that are related to the provision of child and family services under PSSF.

    Deadline Details

    Applications are to be submitted by August 13, 2018. A similar deadline is anticipated, annually.

    Award Details

    Approximately $19,000,000 is available in total funding. Up to 10 awards are expected. Awards are up to $1,900,000 Per Project Period. This project is for one 36-month project period. Grantees are required to provide a 15% match during years one and two and a 20% percent match in year 3.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts


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