Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Office on Violence against Women (OVW)


    The OVW Campus Program (Campus Program) encourages institutions of higher education to develop and strengthen effective security and investigation strategies to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campus, develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving such crimes on campus, and develop and strengthen prevention education and awareness programs.

    Program requirements include creating a Coordinated Community Response (CCR) including partnerships with external law enforcement agencies and community victim service providers, and internal departments such as student affairs, campus security, campus-based victim service providers, campus housing, and campus disciplinary board members.

    In FY 2024, funds under the Campus Program may be used for one or more of the following purposes:

    1. To provide personnel, training, technical assistance, data collection, and other equipment with respect to the increased apprehension, investigation, and adjudication of persons committing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campus.
    2. To develop, strengthen, and implement campus policies, protocols, and services that more effectively identify and respond to these crimes, including the use of technology to commit these crimes, and to train campus administrators, campus security personnel, and all participants in the resolution process, including personnel from the Title IX coordinator's office, student conduct office, and campus disciplinary or judicial boards on such policies, protocols, and services that promote a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation.
    3. To provide prevention and education programming about these crimes, including technological abuse and reproductive and sexual coercion, that is age-appropriate, culturally relevant, ongoing, delivered in multiple venues on campus, accessible, promotes respectful nonviolent behavior as a social norm, and engages men and boys. Such programming should be developed in partnership or collaboratively with experts in intimate partner and sexual violence prevention and intervention. 
    4. To develop, enlarge, or strengthen victim services programs and population specific services on the campuses of the institutions involved, including programs providing legal, medical, or psychological counseling, for victims of these crimes, and to improve delivery of victim assistance on campus. The institution shall use not less than 20 percent of the funds made available through the grant for a victim services program provided, regardless of whether the services are provided by the institution or in coordination with community victim service providers.
    5. To create, disseminate, or otherwise provide assistance and information about victims' options on and off campus to bring disciplinary or other legal action, including assistance to victims in immigration matters.
    6. To develop, install, or expand data collection and communication systems, including computerized systems, linking campus security to the local law enforcement for the purpose of identifying and tracking arrests, protection orders, violations of protection orders, prosecutions, and convictions with respect to these crimes on campus.
    7. To provide capital improvements (including improved lighting and communications facilities but not including the construction of buildings) on campuses to address the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
    8. To support improved coordination among campus administrators, campus security personnel, and local law enforcement to reduce these crimes on campus.
    9. To develop or adapt, provide, and disseminate developmental, culturally appropriate, and linguistically accessible print or electronic materials to address both prevention and intervention of these crimes. 
    10. To develop or adapt and disseminate population specific strategies and projects for victims of these crimes from underserved populations on campus.
    11. To train campus health centers and appropriate campus faculty, such as academic advisors or professionals who deal with students on a daily basis, on how to recognize and respond to these crimes, including training health providers on how to provide universal education to all members of the campus community on the impacts of violence on health and unhealthy relationships and how providers can support ongoing outreach efforts.
    12. To train campus personnel in how to use a victim-centered, trauma-informed interview technique, which means asking questions of a student or a campus employee who is reported to be a victim of these crimes, in a manner that is focused on the experience of the reported victim, that does not judge or blame the reported victim for the alleged crime, and that is informed by evidence-based research on trauma response. To the extent practicable, campus personnel shall allow the reported victim to participate in a recorded interview and to receive a copy of the recorded interview.
    13. To develop and implement restorative practices. 

    In FY 2024, OVW is supporting the following priority area in its campus program:

    • Advance equity and tribal sovereignty as essential components of ending these crimes by improving outreach, services, civil and criminal justice responses, prevention, and support for survivors from historically marginalized and underserved communities, particularly those facing disproportionate rates or impacts of violence and multiple barriers to services, justice, and safety. There are two ways a campus can meet this priority area:
      • Be designated as an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving Institution; Native American-serving non-tribal institution; Predominantly Black Institution; Alaska Native Serving Institution; Native Hawaiian-serving Institution; Historically Black College or University (HBCU); Tribal College or University (TCU); or Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).
      • Develop or enhance culturally and linguistically specific prevention and intervention strategies for historically marginalized and/or underserved population(s). Campuses proposing these strategies will be reviewed based on their proposed activities merits to meet the needs of historically marginalized populations, their partnerships with community-based organizations that have expertise in meeting the needs of historically marginalized populations, and the allocation of budgetary resources to ensure accessibility.

    History of Funding

    In FY20, 52 awards were granted for a total of $16,712,621. Awardees can be viewed at:

    In FY21, 52 awards were granted for a total of $16,230,135. Awardees can be viewed at:

    In FY22, 36 awards were granted for a total of $10,688,200. Awardees can be viewed at:

    In FY23, 40 awards were granted for a total of $15,634,184. Awardees can be viewed at:

    Additional Information

    Funds may not be used for:

    • Research projects.
    • Projects that focus primarily on alcohol and substance abuse.
    • Activities that focus on sexual harassment issues that do not involve domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
    • Education or prevention programs for elementary and secondary students on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
    • Mandatory self-defense classes or self-defense classes as the only means of providing prevention education programs to students.
    • Theater performances that do not specifically address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
    • Products and/or materials that are not specifically focused on the dynamics of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and campus responses to these crimes.
    • Victim assistance not directly related to the victimization.
    • Purchase of anonymous web-based reporting systems (excludes law enforcement incident/report databases) or apps for students.
    • Incentives for students to participate in mandatory trainings and climate surveys.
    • Support for Title IX Investigator or Coordinator positions and trainings, conferences, activities, or materials focused primarily on Title IX.
    • Do-It-Yourself” sexual assault evidence collection kits.
    • For projects providing legal assistance, criminal defense of victims charged with crimes, except for representation in post conviction relief proceedings with respect to the convictions of a victim relating to or arising from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking of the victim. 
    • For projects providing legal assistance, representation in tort cases.  


    OVW Campus Program Management

    OVW Campus Program Management
    145 N Street, NE, Suite 10W.121
    Washington, DC 20530
    (202) 307-6026

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are limited to: Institutions of higher education in the United States and U.S. territories, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and other Minority Serving Institutions. Recipients of an FY 2022 or FY 2023 award under this program are NOT eligible to apply as the lead applicant or as a partner/subrecipient on an FY 2024 proposal.

    Deadline Details

    Applicants are strongly encouraged but not required to submit a non-binding Letter of Intent to by April 26, 2024. Applicants will submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in by May 16, 2024. Full applications including attachments must be submitted in JustGrants by May 21, 2024. A similar deadline is anticipated annually. 

    Award Details

    Up to $12,400,000 is available in total funding for 31 awards of up to $400,000 each. Awards will extend up to 36-months, starting October 1, 2024. Cost sharing/matching is not required.

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