The Green Foundation (California)

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    Funder Type

    Private Foundation

    IT Classification

    C - Funds little to no technology


    The Green Foundation


    The Green Foundation's mission is to uncover new opportunities and encourage growth to effect positive change within institutions that best reflect our focus areas and the communities they serve.

    The Green Foundation's resources are focused on four specific areas:

    Arts: The Foundation is dedicated to supporting institutions that focus on arts outreach and education, and we continue to encourage growth in all areas of the arts. Priority is given to institutions that engage in one or more of the following:

    • Provide community arts programs and outreach.
    • Support youth and adult creativity in their regular schedules.
    • Encourage cultural and civic engagement.

    Community Services: The Foundation focuses on institutions that provide hope and support to those least able to help themselves, as well as the general community. Priority is given to institutions serving one or more of the following:

    • Children
    • Transitional Age Youth
    • LGBTQ+ Community
    • People with Disabilities
    • The Elderly
    • The Homeless
    • Veterans
    • Individuals and Families who struggle with Domestic Violence

    Education: The Foundation believes that communities whose educational systems are solid will thrive and continue to flourish. With this in mind, we support a variety of in-school and after-school educational programs in both public, private, and charter schools in an effort to effect positive change in communities throughout LA. Priority is given to institutions that engage in one or more of the following:

    • Strive to solve existing problems of juvenile delinquency, gang life and drugs.
    • Work to expand educational programs for youth and/or adults.
    • Encourage the use of technology in youth and/or adult learning.
    • Support college and career pathways for youth and/or adults.
    • Promote artistic endeavors including the visual, media, and performing arts.

    Special Projects: The Foundation does award grants to those institutions that fall outside of our established areas of focus. Each request is considered on an individual basis and grant-seekers should follow the application process outlined on this site.


    History of Funding

    A list of recent grant recipients and their grant amounts is available at:

    Additional Information

    Preferential attention will be given to institutions exhibiting the following positive factors:

    • A history of achievement, good management, and a stable financial condition.
    • Significant programs with the promise of making a measurable impact.
    • Programs that are sustainable and will not necessitate continued dependence on the Foundation.

    Institutions Ineligible for Funding

    • Those with net assets or fund balances of less than $100,000.
    • Those seeking multi-year commitments.
    • Those seeking funds for annual meetings, conferences, and/or seminars.
    • Those seeking funds for religious programs.
    • Those seeking funds for capital campaigns.
    • Those seeking funds through direct mail campaigns.
    • ‘Conduit' institutions, unified funds, fiscal agents, or institutions using grant funds from donors to support other institutions or individuals.
    • Private, Non-Operating Foundations.
    • Individuals.


    Kylie Wright

    Kylie Wright
    225 S. Lake Ave., Ste. 1410
    Pasadena, CA 91101-4855
    (626) 744-0578

    Julianne Green

    Julianne Green
    225 S. Lake Ave., Ste. 1410
    Pasadena, CA 91101-4855
    (626) 744-0578

  • Eligibility Details

    The Foundation is primarily focused on charitable organizations operating in the following areas: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and Ventura County. Occasionally exceptions are made for institutions located outside of these areas depending on the nature of the request.

    Institutions must be classified by the IRS as public charities and tax exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

    Deadline Details

    The Green Foundation has a rolling grant application process meaning there are no set deadlines for receipt of online Letter of Inquiry submissions.

    The Foundation has a four-year funding cycle whereby once four years of funding has been received, a period of 24 months off (from the date of the last approved grant) is required.

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary by proposal; recently funded grants range from $2000 to $250,000 with the majority being between $10,000 and $25,000.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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