Funder Type
Federal Government
IT Classification
B - Readily funds technology as part of an award
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
The purpose of the NHE program is to support innovative projects that recognize and address the unique educational needs of Native Hawaiians. It also recognizes the roles of Native Hawaiian languages and cultures in the educational success and longterm well-being of Native Hawaiian students. The program supports effective supplemental education programs that maximize participation of Native Hawaiian educators and leaders in the planning, development, implementation, management, and evaluation of programs designed to serve Native Hawaiians.
It is recommended that applicants prioritize funding projects that:
- assert Hawaiian language-medium instruction and culture-based education programs, frameworks, and values as critical to addressing equity, resiliency, and social-emotional well-being for increased Native Hawaiian learner outcomes and closing achievement gaps;
- expand land-based programs and initiatives to address place-based inequities and increase educational opportunities; and
- address mental health and socialemotional well-being as essential for Native Hawaiian learner outcomes, increased academic performance, behavior, social integration, resiliency, identity, and self-efficacy.
History of Funding
Previous awardees can be viewed at
Additional Information
This program has identified two absolute priorities and two competitive preference priorities (Note: both competitive priorities apply to absolute priority 1). Up to an additional 10 points will be awarded to applicants that propose projects that are designed to address both competitive priorities, depending on how well the application addresses the priority or priorities. The maximum possible score for each competitive preference priority is five points.
Absolute Priority 1: Native Hawaiian Education Activities - Eligible applicants must propose a project that is designed to address one or more of the following:
- The development and maintenance of a statewide Native Hawaiian early education and care system to provide a continuum of services for Native Hawaiian children from the prenatal period of the children through age 5;
- The operation of family-based education centers that provide such services as—
- Programs for Native Hawaiian parents and their infants from the prenatal period of the infants through age 3;
- Preschool programs for Native Hawaiians; and
- Research on, and development and assessment of, family-based, early childhood, and preschool programs for Native Hawaiians.
- Activities that enhance beginning reading and literacy in either the Hawaiian or the English language among Native Hawaiian students in kindergarten through grade 3 and assistance in addressing the distinct features of combined English and Hawaiian literacy for Hawaiian speakers in grades 5 and 6.
- Activities to meet the special needs of Native Hawaiian students with disabilities, including—
- The identification of such students and their needs;
- The provision of support services to the families of such students; and
- Other activities consistent with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
- Activities that address the special needs of Native Hawaiian students who are gifted and talented, including—
- Educational, psychological, and developmental activities designed to assist in the educational progress of those students; and
- Activities that involve the parents of those students in a manner designed to assist in the educational progress of such students.
- The development of academic and vocational curricula to address the needs of Native Hawaiian children and adults, including curriculum materials in the Hawaiian language and mathematics and science curricula that incorporate Native Hawaiian tradition and culture.
- Professional development activities for educators, including—
- The development of programs to prepare prospective teachers to address the unique needs of Native Hawaiian students within the context of Native Hawaiian culture, language, and traditions;
- In-service programs to improve the ability of teachers who teach in schools with high concentrations of Native Hawaiian students to meet the unique needs of such students; and
- The recruitment and preparation of Native Hawaiians, and other individuals who live in communities with a high concentration of Native Hawaiians, to become teachers.
- The operation of community-based learning centers that address the needs of Native Hawaiian students, parents, families, and communities through the coordination of public and private programs and services, including—
- Early childhood education programs;
- Before, after, and summer school programs, expanded learning time, or weekend academies;
- Career and technical education programs; and
- Programs that recognize and support the unique cultural and educational needs of Native Hawaiian children, and incorporate appropriately qualified Native Hawaiian elders and seniors.
- Activities, including program colocation, to enable Native Hawaiians to enter and complete programs of postsecondary education, including—
- Family literacy services; and
- Counseling, guidance, and support services for students.
- Research and data collection activities to determine the educational status and needs of Native Hawaiian children and adults.
- Other research and evaluation activities related to programs carried out under title VI, part B of the ESEA.
- Other activities, consistent with the purposes of title VI, part B of the ESEA, to meet the educational needs of Native Hawaiian children and adults.
Absolute Priority 2: Native Hawaiian Education Construction - To meet this priority, an eligible applicant must propose a project that will result in the construction, renovation, or modernization of a public elementary school, secondary school, or structure related to a public elementary school or secondary school that serves a predominantly Native Hawaiian student body. To meet this priority, an applicant must provide information or data showing that the proposed or existing structure serves or will serve a predominantly Native Hawaiian student body.
Note: FY 2023 funds may be used for the purpose of construction, renovation, and modernization of any public elementary school, secondary school, or structure related to a public elementary school or secondary school that serves a predominantly Native Hawaiian student body. For the purposes of this program, the Department considers ‘‘predominantly'' to mean a student body that is comprised of 50 percent or more Native Hawaiian students.
Competitive Priority 1: To meet this priority, an eligible applicant must propose a project that is designed to address one or more of the following:
- Beginning reading and literacy among students in kindergarten through third grade.
- The needs of at-risk children and youth.
- The needs in fields or disciplines in which Native Hawaiians are underemployed.
- The use of the Hawaiian language in instruction.
Competitive Priority 2: To meet this priority, an eligible applicant must propose a project that is designed to address the impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic, including impacts that extend beyond the duration of the pandemic itself, on the students most impacted by the pandemic, with a focus on underserved students and the educators who serve them, through one or both of the following priority areas:
- Addressing students' social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs through approaches that are inclusive with regard to race, ethnicity, culture, language, and disability status.
- Using evidence-based instructional approaches and supports, such as professional development, coaching, ongoing support for educators, high-quality tutoring, expanded access to rigorous coursework and content across K–12, and expanded learning time to accelerate learning for students in ways that ensure all students have the opportunity to successfully meet challenging academic content standards without contributing to tracking or remedial courses.
Funding Restrictions: No more than five percent of funds awarded for a grant under this program may be used for program administration. This five percent limit does not include indirect costs.